Commentaires reçus (9)

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il y a 1 jour
been missing school a lot more lately,, didn't go today. though I found a way to text my friends while my stuff is broken! I found an old ipad from 2013 that still works for some reason..-

il y a 3 jours
thank you for saying that about my drawing :D :D :D-

il y a 3 jours
been feeling a tad bit down lately. I'm unable to speak to any of my friends and my only way of speaking to. anybody online is this picmix message board haha. next time I borrow my sisters phone/PC to talk to my friends I'm gonna tell them to go to my picmix profile to speak a bit more. :o) though it might be tricky to really speak because picmix doesn't let you leave comments right after you already made one :( :( :( on top of that its not my phones SCREEN being broken, its the actual PHONE like the insides or something,, we were gonna try and get if fixed by tonight but now that we know its not just a screen replacement everything is a lot less smooth haha. day n exer if u see this miss you two! ;) ;) ;)-

il y a 5 jours
my phone broke last night!! :(( its gonna hopefully get checked out today,, :( not only that but my PC wont turn on!! not the screen its the actual PC.. sigh. hopefully things turn up better for me soon!!-

le 29 avril 2024
=)) =)) =)) =)) =))-

le 29 avril 2024
no problem! ^_^-

le 29 avril 2024
ty for the nice comment :D :D-

le 4 février 2024

le 11 septembre 2023
:(( :(( :(( :(( :(( :(( :(( :(( :(( :((-